This story is about me, though it is my intention to be somewhat anonymous in the telling of it.  I am naturally more at home behind the camera than in front of it.  I enjoy being close to the action.  Obviously that figured into my becoming involved with the theater, though the way it began felt more like fate than it did a conscious decision.  
  What is really most important about costuming for me is the love of storytelling.  Even though what happens onstage is not my particular individual story being told, I may have built the hat for one of the performers.   That hat may speak as clearly as anything she says or does while wearing it.   My hat might make such a bold statement that people talk about it after the show.  Or it may speak so softly that they absorb what it is saying without being conscious that it even exists.  That hat has a job to do.  That hat has a little bit of magic.